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The Institutes 535 CE part 9

5. So, too, a man may not marry his paternal aunt, even though she be so only by adoption; nor his maternal aunt; because...

The Institutes 535 CE part 8

X. Marriage. Roman citizens are bound together in lawful matrimony when they are united according to law, the males having attained the age of puberty,...

The Institutes 535 CE part 7

2. But at the present day none of our subjects may use unrestrained violence towards their slaves, except for a reason recognized by law....

The Institutes 535 CE part 6

3. Freedmen were formerly divided into three classes. For those who were manumitted sometimes obtained a complete liberty, and became Roman citizens; sometimes a...

The Institutes 535 CE part 5

And it is sufficient if the mother is free at the time of the birth, although a slave when she conceived; and on the...

The Institutes 535 CE part 4

9. The unwritten law is that which usage has established; for ancient customs, being sanctioned by the consent of those who adopt them, are...

The Institutes 535 CE part 3

4. A lex is that which was enacted by the Roman people on its being proposed by a senatorian magistrate, as a consul. A...

The Institutes 535 CE part 2

II. Natural, Common, and Civil Law. The law of nature is that law which nature teaches to all animals. For this law does not belong...

The Institutes 535 CE part 1

The Institutes 535 CE Under the direction of Tribonian, the Corpus Iurus Civilis was issued in three parts, in Latin, at the order of...

Bulgaria Vacations

Khans, Tzars, Orpheus, Spartacus, Thracians, Levski, Botev … All of them start with capital `B` for Bulgaria. These are also the places that you...

Discovering Bergama


Caribbean Cruises


Michael V Part 13