The Institutes 535 CE part 29
16. But fowls and geese are not naturally wild, which we may learn from there being particular kinds of fowls and geese which we...
The Institutes 535 CE part 28
Of course any one who enters the ground of another for the sake of hunting or fowling, may be prohibited by the proprietor, if...
The Institutes 535 CE part 27
8. Things are sacred which have been duly consecrated by the pontiffs, as sacred buildings and offerings, properly dedicated to the service of God,...
The Institutes 535 CE part 26
Book II.
Of Things.
I. Divisions of Things.
In the preceding book we have treated of the law of persons. Let us now speak of things, which...
The Institutes 535 CE part 25
5. A tutor is suspected who does not faithfully execute his trust, although perfectly solvent, as Julian writes, who also thinks that even before...
The Institutes 535 CE part 24
18. A person who has discharged the office of tutor is not compelled against his will to become the curator of the same person;...
The Institutes 535 CE part 23
9. If it is through enmity that the father appoints by testament any one as tutor, this circumstance itself will afford a sufficient excuse;...
The Institutes 535 CE part 22
Adopted children will not avail the adopter, but though given in adoption are reckoned in favor of their natural father. Grandchildren by a son...
The Institutes 535 CE part 21
1. If two or more are appointed by testament, or by a magistrate, after inquiry, as tutors or curators, any of them, by offering...
The Institutes 535 CE part 20
XXIII. Curatorship.
Males arrived at the age of puberty, and females of a marriageable age, receive curators, until they have completed their twenty-fifth year; for,...