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Launcelot`s Tourney part 1

Sir Thomas Malory (Flourished Late 15th Century)Practically nothing is known of this first great writer of English prose romance. Malory`s significance in the development of the English language is, for our purposes, not so...

The Shipwreck of Simonides 1

Phaedrus (15 B.C.?—55 A.D.?)It was the chief distinction of this writer to have collected the Fables of Jesop (or whoever it was who wrote Alsop`s works) and rewritten them for the Romans. His collection...

The Prodigal Son 1

The Prodigal Son (From the New Testament, Luke XV)The prodigal is a parable, spoken by Jesus in praise of forgiveness. It is one of the great stories of the world, and is justly regarded...

The Jewish Mother 1

Biblical LiteratureIt is not surprising that the stories scattered so profusely through the Bible, the Apocrypha, and the Talmud, should be mostly moral tales. They were told in order to illustrate a theological or...

The Haunted House 2

IntermingleOn being thus left to himself, he marked the spot with some grass and leaves which he plucked. Next day he applied to the magistrates, and urged them to have the spot in question...

The Dove and the Crow 2

But the crow insisted. Matters of personal interest and friendship, he said, are decided by our inclination. We do not consider distance or the difference of condition. So the rat yielded and they swore...

The Ass in the Lion`s Skin 2

Nothing whatsoever is known of the author or authors of the particular collection from which this story is taken. It is reprinted from Buddhist Birth Stories , by T. W. Rhys Davids, London,1880, by...

Orpheus and Eurydice 1

Ovid (43 B.C.—18 A.D.?)Publius Ovidius Naso, better known to readers of English as Ovid, was born not far from Rome, and spent the latter part of his life in exile. The Metamorphoses, his most...

The Robbers of Egypt 1

Heliodorus (3rd Century, A.D.)Heliodorus was one of the earliest writers of the novel, or romance. Though he lived long after the close of the Golden Age of Greek lit-erature, he is (together with Longus)...

Phineus And The Harpies 1

Apollonius of Rhodes (3rd Century B.c.)Although he was a late writer in the epic form, Apollonius treated ancient mythical material, but from the standpoint of a scholar and a literary stylist. He left his...