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Michael V 1041-1042
Theodora 1049
1. His nephew, whom I have mentioned several times in the last book, succeeded him as emperor. In fact, when John and his brothers perceived that Michael was at death’s door, and when they really understood that he was past all hopes of recovery, they issued an order, professedly from the emperor, authorizing their nephew to enter the palace.

They did this because they were afraid they might lose their own hold on the government and lest the Empire should pass into the hands of some other family. They even anticipated the old emperor’s death, and as one sovereign went out of the palace to die (as I have shown), another came in to take his place.

Michael V  – The late emperor had three brothers. Of these the Orphanotrophus* [* The Guardian of the Orphans.] John was at that time solely responsible for the governments. He had more affection for his brother than the rest, and when Michael died, he did not leave him at once, but stayed by the corpse for three days, as though he were still alive.
Win greater commendation
The other two surviving brothers meanwhile escorted the Caesar, their nephew, to the palace. The object of this was partly to defend and take care of him, partly to win greater commendation for themselves. John’s intellectual capacity was wider and deeper than their own, and without his help it was beyond their powers to formulate any policy on the grand scale, either with regard to the succession or to affairs of state.

Michael V  –  Their activities were therefore limited to a display of fellowship and kindred feeling. As for John, having had his fill of lamentation, or rather, when he grew alarmed at the prospect of any further delay in declaring Michael emperor, which might well wreck all their hopes completely, he returned to the palace.

I myself witnessed his return, and having seen with my own eyes what really happened, I am now committing the story to writing. I will describe the scene exactly. When the brothers heard that John had crossed the threshold of the outer palace entrance, they approached him as if they were about to meet God Himself.

Michael V Part 25

Book Five Notes 64. The Guardian of the Orphans was banished to the monastery of Monobatae. Cedrenus (749D) has a different account. According to him...

Michael V Part 24

49. When the executioner tried to tie him down, to prevent him moving at the moment of blinding, he said, ‘Look you. If you...

Michael V Part 23

47. Actually they had already left the church, and a shameful reception awaited them outside. The rabble made fun of them, naturally enough under...

Michael V Part 22

He swore by the Holy Relics and used all manner of persuasion, saying that they would neither suffer any evil nor would he, the...

Michael V Part 21

The Nobilissimus denied that he was privy to his nephew’s plot against Zoe. He had encouraged him in no other designs. ‘If I had...

Michael V Part 20

39. So much for them. Theodora’s companions meanwhile sent a guard for him. The guard commander was one of the nobles**74 and I myself...

Michael V Part 19

The Mob is Led Away to the Augusta Theodora 36. As I have said, the people revolted against the tyrant, but they were afraid their...

Michael V Part 18

33. The war, therefore, flared up against him all the more bitterly. But the rebels were afraid lest the combined efforts of Michael and...

Michael V Part 17

His retinue were armed with daggers, so that if anyone met them, they could slay him at once. Charging thus through the city they...

Michael V Part 16

29. It was decided first to attack the emperor’s family and tear down their proud and luxurious mansions. With this object they advanced to...

Discovering Bergama