Michael V Part 23
47. Actually they had already left the church, and a shameful reception awaited them outside. The rabble made fun of them, naturally enough under...
Michael V Part 22
He swore by the Holy Relics and used all manner of persuasion, saying that they would neither suffer any evil nor would he, the...
Michael V Part 21
The Nobilissimus denied that he was privy to his nephew’s plot against Zoe. He had encouraged him in no other designs. ‘If I had...
Michael V Part 20
39. So much for them. Theodora’s companions meanwhile sent a guard for him. The guard commander was one of the nobles**74 and I myself...
Michael V Part 19
The Mob is Led Away to the Augusta Theodora
36. As I have said, the people revolted against the tyrant, but they were afraid their...
Michael V Part 18
33. The war, therefore, flared up against him all the more bitterly. But the rebels were afraid lest the combined efforts of Michael and...
Michael V Part 17
His retinue were armed with daggers, so that if anyone met them, they could slay him at once. Charging thus through the city they...
Michael V Part 16
29. It was decided first to attack the emperor’s family and tear down their proud and luxurious mansions. With this object they advanced to...
Michael V Part 15
How was it this low-born fellow dared to raise a hand against a woman of such lineage? How could he conceive so vile a...
Michael V Part 14
25. Up to this time the emperor had lived in the lap of luxury and he was extremely proud of his achievements. Throughout the...