The Institutes 535 CE part 54
And it is immaterial whether the stipulatio is in Latin or in Greek, or in any other language, so that the parties understand it;...
The Institutes 535 CE part 53
If, however, you take with you on a journey the thing lent you to make use of, and you lose it by the attack...
The Institutes 535 CE part 52
XIV. Other Ways of Contracting an Obligatio.
An obligatio may be contracted by the thing, as, for example, by giving a mutuum. This always consists...
The Institutes 535 CE part 51
And in the constitutio we have ourselves promulgated we have completely departed from the provisions of those former constitutiones, and have enacted that agnati...
The Institutes 535 CE part 50
But persons adopted by an ascendant are excepted in our constitutio; for, as natural and civil rights both concur in their favor, we have...
The Institutes 535 CE part 49
12. The same rules are observed in the possession of goods which the praetor gives contra tabulas to children who have been passed over,...
The Institutes 535 CE part 48
9. Emancipated children by the civil law have no right to the inheritance of their father; being no longer under the power of their...
The Institutes 535 CE part 47
6. A son, or a daughter, and a grandson or granddaughter by another son, are called equally to the inheritance; nor does the nearer...
The Institutes 535 CE part 46
We must also reckon among them those, who, though not born in lawful wedlock, nevertheless, according to the tenor of the imperial constitutiones, acquire...
The Institutes 535 CE part 45
We have corrected this, making illegal what they endeavored to prevent by persuasion. For, in imitation of the old law respecting the familiae emptor,...