The Institutes 535 CE part 34
35. If any person has, bona fide, purchased land from another, whom he believed to be the true owner, when in fact he was...
The Institutes 535 CE part 33
32. As plants rooted in the earth accede to the soil, so, in the same way, grains of wheat which have been sown are...
The Institutes 535 CE part 32
29. If a man builds upon his own ground with the materials of another, he is considered the proprietor of the building, because everything...
The Institutes 535 CE part 31
26. If, however, any one has woven purple belonging to another into his own vestment, the purple, although the more valuable, attaches to the...
The Institutes 535 CE part 30
23. If a river, entirely forsaking its natural channel, begins to flow in another direction, the old bed of the river belongs to those...
The Institutes 535 CE part 29
16. But fowls and geese are not naturally wild, which we may learn from there being particular kinds of fowls and geese which we...
The Institutes 535 CE part 28
Of course any one who enters the ground of another for the sake of hunting or fowling, may be prohibited by the proprietor, if...
The Institutes 535 CE part 27
8. Things are sacred which have been duly consecrated by the pontiffs, as sacred buildings and offerings, properly dedicated to the service of God,...
The Institutes 535 CE part 26
Book II.
Of Things.
I. Divisions of Things.
In the preceding book we have treated of the law of persons. Let us now speak of things, which...
The Institutes 535 CE part 25
5. A tutor is suspected who does not faithfully execute his trust, although perfectly solvent, as Julian writes, who also thinks that even before...