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The Institutes 535 CE part 14

6. Children, also, cease to be under the power of their parents by emancipation. Formerly emancipation was effected, either adopting the process of the ancient law, consisting of imaginary sales, each followed by a...

The Institutes 535 CE part 13

1. If a man, convicted of some crime, is deported to an island, he loses the rights of a Roman citizen; whence it follows, that the children of a person thus banished cease to...

The Institutes 535 CE part 12

8. He who is either adopted or arrogated is assimilated, in many points, to a son born in lawful matrimony; and therefore, if any one adopts a person who is not a stranger by...

The Institutes 535 CE part 11

Adoption concurBut if a natural father should give his son in adoption, not to a stranger, but to the son’s maternal grandfather; or, supposing the natural father has been emancipated, if he gives the...

The Institutes 535 CE part 10

11. There are other persons also, between whom marriage is prohibited for different reasons, which we have permitted to be enumerated in the books of the Digests or Pandects, collected from the old law.12....

The Institutes 535 CE part 9

5. So, too, a man may not marry his paternal aunt, even though she be so only by adoption; nor his maternal aunt; because they are regarded in the light of ascendants. For the...

The Institutes 535 CE part 8

X. Marriage.Roman citizens are bound together in lawful matrimony when they are united according to law, the males having attained the age of puberty, and the females a marriageable age, whether they are fathers...

The Institutes 535 CE part 7

2. But at the present day none of our subjects may use unrestrained violence towards their slaves, except for a reason recognized by law. For, by a constitutio of the Emperor Antoninus Pius, he...

The Institutes 535 CE part 6

3. Freedmen were formerly divided into three classes. For those who were manumitted sometimes obtained a complete liberty, and became Roman citizens; sometimes a less complete, and became Latini under the lex Julia Norbana;...

The Institutes 535 CE part 5

And it is sufficient if the mother is free at the time of the birth, although a slave when she conceived; and on the other hand, if she be free when she conceives, and...